Good but flawed.
The atmosphere in this game is excellent and combines a brilliant use of music and art.
The plot is good though there are a few spelling errors which would be nice to see rectified.
The game's main fault is that it's repetitive and boring, in some respect there would be moments that would work better as cutscenes than as gameplay.
It would've been nice to have the environment change every time you retrace it, instead of the minor tweaks that were present perhaps implement some seasonal changes to show the passing of time. A change of season would also allow the environment to become more interesting upon re-traversal using things like snow or dried leaves to change the terrain.
When you gain control of the giant it's also really really painfully slow to move, perhaps this was intentional to give a some weight to the situation and to give a sense of size to the guardian but it was really much too slow.
On the positive side of things I really enjoyed the way the controls were given to the player, the two Japanese symbols displayed at the start were brilliant. They instantly conveyed 'use the arrow keys to move' in a simple and elegant manner. As mentioned the music was excellent and really suited the visuals and story. The pixel art was great particularly on the guardian which came off as looking very ancient and covered in years of plant growth.
Overall the game is enjoyable and the story is worth experiencing but It's a little on the dull side and makes you repeat the same sections several times.