Not really a comtemplation.....
I'm not much of a God person so i can't say i really connected with the overall message of your work.
I found the dialouge to be quite whiny and self-pitying to begin with and when it eventually developed to be a religious piece you lost me.
I suppose the main issue i had with the film is that the character is presented in such a negative light and the whole visual style is dark and depressing but when God eventually comes into the equation nothing really changes.
It's just this sort of downward spiral of depression that keeps going because this guy hasn't lived his life for God.
To me the guy just comes off as a rather boring and jaded human being who's life sucks because he doesn't do anything other than complain about how much his life sucks.
If he wasn't such a negative nancy, aimlessly wandering around waiting for his life to be improved by some sort of magical external force then maybe he'd look on the bright side a bit more.
And finally it's revealed that all of these problems will go away if the guy decides to love card debt included.
This is all just my opinion like your film is yours but i felt like you missed your mark with this film.
The drawings were nice but a bit inconsistent at times, some images were quite powerful and detailed while some were very plain and lacked the emotional force some other scenes had.
Music was quite suitible for the mood you were going for and your dialouge was paced pretty well between sections.